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Tuesday, December 15, 2009


December 15, 2009

Reflections of 2009

January-Met an amazing person that has influenced me to succeed. This person pushed me even when I thought I couldn't go anymore. First African American President sworn into office.

February-Was sent to the Spa for a full day. Somebody wanted me to be pampered for Valentine's Day.

March-Went to Katy, TX. Thought my id case went missing. Learned that I really could handle living with a dog. Flew by myself.

May-Graduated from the University of Tennessee.

June-Went to the beach for a few days and enjoyed family time.

July-Finished up the last two classes I lacked.

August-Got a real job. Wished I was back in college.

September-Began Planning an event for Diamond Blackfan Anemia Fundraiser.

October: Went as Sandy off Greece for Halloween. Started kickboxing.

November: Spent time with family making fun memories.

December: Remembered the reason for the season. God gave his only son as a gift to us so that we can spend all eternity with him.

Life Lessons:

1. Have Faith.
2. Believe in Yourself no matter. Don't let anyone bring you down.
3. Treasure the time you send with your loved ones because you never know when their or your time will come.
4. Don't let anyone dampen your spirits.
5. Your friends and your parents can't all be wrong.
6. Date someone with the same morals values and ambitions as you.
7. Don't think you can try and change anyone. Leave that up to the Lord. Pray for them.
8. Don't rush into anything (some people are jumping into the frying pan but sometimes its better to hold off).
9. Don't do things because you think everyone else is doing them.
10. Trust your instinct.

Each person is a child of God and should not be put down in anyway. God made you special just the way you are. So remember that in the New Year. Live for today, because you are not guaranteed tomorrow.

The King is enthralled by your beauty.
Psalm 45:11

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